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Website Rankings Dropped in Google?

Seems you have been hit by Google’s recent Penguin
Panda algorithmic updates which have negatively impacted your website due to low quality back links.

May be you received unnatural linking message
Manual or Partial Action message in WMT
You have low quality bad back links

Why use our Services?

Here is why you need to use us for your back link analysis

Vast Experience

Our team have vast experience in link audit, technicalities of this work and types of links which can harm your website, So we can produce better results for you compared to others

Expert Analysis

Our team of experts will do expert analysis of your back link profile to identify bad, low quality un-natural links based on various metrics like anchor text, DA, PR and other factors.

Save Time and Moeny

Affordable and low prices assured in the industry, no subscriptions. We are direct providers and not resellers, so it always great to work with direct source. Save time and money!

100% Manual Work

100% manual work by experts links auditors and analysts with 10+ years experience, more than 1000+ inbound link audit projects completed, classification of low quality/unnatural links with perfection.

Backlink Analysis Reports

Backlink Links Audit Reports in excel format, manually compiled with our status of bad, low or quality status with other factors like PageRank, Domain Authority, Link Type, Active/Non Active and Nofollow or Dofollow

Bulk Agency Solutions

If you are SEO firm, digital media agency or SEO consultant, we can provide you discounted prices for your projects. Get the work done from skilled experts and cut on costs while saving your time and money.

Most affordable pricing available, contact for custom pricing

Save Time and Money – We are the direct source and not resellers

Pricing and Packages

Affordable prices for link audit

500 Domains

500 Root Domains

We will audit 500 root domains in this package


1000 Domains

1000 Root Domains

Our experts will audit 1000 root domains in this package


2000 Domains

2000 Root Domains

Get 2000 Root Domains audited in this package by our link experts


Custom Package

Customized Prices

Looking for custom pricing, or discounted outsourcing prices for your projects, contact us today


Why You Need Backlink Analysis/Audit?

So main question why you need back link analysis, if you have got un-natural link message in webmaster tools or felt that you search engine ranking gone down as compared to before, it may be that penguin filter is active as partial match or sitewide on your website due to low quality of links in your back link profile. So it time to take action and get bad links identified by experts who have actual knowledge and experience of auditing back links.

If you have not experienced any ranking fall, still you need to have your back link checked because with each and every update, penguin is getting smart to catch even lower number of un-natural, bad or paid links.

Our team of qualified experts will analyze your back links for all types of links like directories, articles, forums etc based on various quality factors and metrics like domain authority, anchor text, page rank, TLD’s, link networks and sites made for selling links only. Contact us today for link analysis services.

Link Audit Process

How we do link audit, what’s the starting step and how it goes? We have standard processes from extracting back link data, audit and preparing final reports for your projects. Here is how we do it:

  • Link Extraction: This is the basic step to start the project, you can download raw back links data from Google Webmaster Tools or provide us access for the same, you can also add us as user in webmaster tools to give us access for downloading back link data, we are not limited to only WMT data, if you have any other source of back links like Moz, Ahrefs or Majestic, You can also provide us the same as well. If you want us to do all this, we can do the back link extraction for you as well.
  • Link Audit: After availability of back links data, our team of experts will audit back links based on various parameters and metrics. We check each link for PR, Domain Authority, Anchor Text, Tlds, 404 page to active, Nofollow or Dofollow, Link Types i.e directory, article directory, forums, news sites etc.
  • Link Audit Reports: We provide 100% manual reports for each link audited for all these metrics like PR, DA, Link Status for Bad, Low, Paid or Un-natural etc. All reports are provided in excel format.

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